Master Your Game of Research Paper Writing with These Tricks

If you are a student enrolled in a college or university, or you are about to enter college, you surely have heard of research paper writing. Research papers showcase your knowledge and understanding of the topic and prepare you to enhance your time management skills.

Research Paper: A Short Description

A research paper allows you to analyze a topic and prove a point with evidence. Hence, it is an essential part of academic writing you must consider if you are a student.

Related: Step by Step Guide to Writing a Research Paper That Stands Out

Research Paper Tips

The experts at Word Solvo are offering research paper tips for helping you out with getting excellent grades.

Research paper tips

  • Choose a topic of interest, if you are not given one by the professor. This is one of the most important research paper tips as the more interesting the topic is to you, the more substantial knowledge you can gather and present.

  • Reading and keeping records is essential for research paper writing as information might be jumbled up in your head which might also lead to plagiarism issues.

  • Form the structure of the piece of academic writing to understand what information goes in which section.

  • Create a mind map based on your reading and the requirements set by the professor for the research paper. Grouping ideas in a logical way would help you to get clarity on what to put into different sections of the outline you created.

  • Developing a thesis is important to make the piece of academic writing centered on a single idea rather than deviating the focus on many. This ensures that the discussion is not fragmented which is needed for delivering content of value.

  • Now, put the evidence gathered coherently in your research paper and enter the sources into a separate file for ease of writing.

  • Conduct further research, if necessary, and put the information into the proper sections for meeting the word count criteria and research requirements.

  • Copy and paste the sources from the separate file and arrange the same in ascending order to format the References section of your research paper.

  • Finally, match the final content with the mind map and analyze whether the thesis statement can be restated in the conclusion of the piece of academic writing.

Other research paper tips to keep in mind are:

  • Avoid copying and pasting direct information into your research paper writing from another source to make your research paper free from plagiarism.

  • Make sure that you have re-read the paper several times for efficient proofreading. This would help eliminate errors and create an outstanding research paper.

  • Run your paper through editing and proofreading apps like Grammarly to make the paper more polished.

  • Make sure the format and structure of the piece of academic writing are on point as per the requirements.

  • Run the final draft through Turnitin to check whether there is any plagiarism issue and correct the same if needed to deliver a research paper free from plagiarism.

We hope that using these research paper tips would enable you to master the craft of research paper writing that would finally help you get an A+.

Related: Mastering APA Format: Research Paper Example Included

Research Paper Format

The research paper format carries a separate credit for each piece of academic writing. Moreover, it allows students to present information and evidence in a more polished way.

  • A research paper format includes elements like a title page, the body of the research, references, appendices (optional), and page numbers.

  • Your research paper should include a title page, except it is in MLA format.

  • A title page must include the module name and ID, assignment title, student name (if asked) and ID, professor name and due date.

  • Abstracts are not necessary for all types of research papers. For example, there is no need for including abstracts for business reports. However, business reports need executive summaries to be included.

  • The body of the research would include the content for your research paper including the introduction, main body, and conclusion.

  • References section includes all the sources used by you by either direct quoting or paraphrasing content.

  • Appendices include all relevant but extra information that might not be presented in the main body of the paper. This helps provide extra context and background to the research.

Apart from including these steps mentioned above, you also need to ensure that the references included in your paper are aligned with the criteria. For example, APA and MLA-formatted papers need an indent of 0.5 in from the left margin. On the contrary, Harvard-formatted papers need justified alignment. Every page of the research paper needs to be numbered for offering a better reading experience and for future reference purposes.

The numbering of pages also depends upon the research paper format. For example, for a research paper with APA reference, the page number format most used is Plain Number 3 under the Top of Page category while a piece of academic writing having Harvard Referencing would need a Plain Number 3 under the Bottom of Page category.

Following these research paper tips can help you deliver an excellent piece of academic writing with flawless content and a good research paper format. We, at Word Solvo, believe in delivering value to the students and clients by whatever means possible and we hope that the information presented would be useful in your future endeavors.