Choosing the Perfect Major for Your Passion and Career: Tips & Tricks

“What Major will be perfect for you?” You have often thought that if you are heading to college or would be graduating from high school soon. Choosing a college major can be overwhelming since it would decide your future career path and satisfaction. Before offering tips and tricks for how to choose the perfect major, let’s dive into decoding what a Major is in college.

What is a Major in University?

A Major is a subject area you choose to specialise in while studying at college which one chooses generally in alignment with their vocation. To answer what is a major in university, it can be stated that a major is the primary focus of your studies in the university. For example, if you wish to be an actor, you would need to choose Dram/ Theatre Arts/ Film Studies/ Media Production/ Cinema etc. as your Major in college.

When to Declare a Major?

After understanding what is a major in university, you must know when you need to declare your Major when enrolling into a college. However, it might be overwhelming for you. Your college might have a specific period to declare your major as most colleges require students to declare a Major by the end of the Sophomore year.

What’s the Difference between a Major and a Minor?

While a college or university major is the core area of study, a Minor is a secondary area of focus. Most students generally do have both a Major and Minor in college. A Minor is often chosen as a complementary area of study that affects the students to get the most benefits from their Major. However, it might not come under the graduation requirement for most courses.

Tips and Tricks

expert tips and tricks

Find Your Passion First

Completing a college or university major is often fulfilling considering educational and career-related aspects. Think about what are your core interests on which you might want to develop a deeper understanding. Our experts advise you to consider your strengths and weaknesses while finding the perfect university major for you.

Finding skills you are good at can also help you understand the perfect major for you. For example, you are good at handling finances and you have a commerce degree. Then, you might consider an MBA in Finance as your forte.

Sometimes considering your passion can throw light on what would be the perfect university major for you. Think deeply about where you can thrive and which subjects are of interest to you. Still, if you are hesitant, colleges allow students to explore a variety of classes at the beginning to help you find your passion.

Educate Yourself about the Options Available

During your college or university major search, be aware of the options available in your selected colleges or universities. Your interests and passions need to align with the available options. For example, if you want a major in computer science, you need to find out universities or colleges during your university major search considering that.

Searching curriculums and courses, and faculty members can be helpful to carry on with your area of interest and future expertise.

Future Prospects Considering Your University Major Search

Investigate whether the chosen colleges or universities have partnerships with local businesses, research institutions, tech companies or other organisations offering co-op, internships, or research opportunities considering your field of interest as practical experiences would contribute to your future growth.

Further Research

Researching whether the chosen institution has active alumni success and networking while performing your college or university major search as it can help you understand the potential career paths, job opportunities and real-world implications of your chosen field.

How Rigourous the Coursework Can Be?

Students find some majors harder than others because of the heaviness of homework loads, the frequency of exams, and course expectations. As per the survey done by Indiana University Bloomington in 2016 named National Survey of Student Engagement, students find a major more difficult than others based on the time they need to spend per week preparing for classes. Based on this survey, the most difficult majors are aeronautical engineering and chemical engineering.

On the other hand, easier majors include public relations, communication, and criminal justice as the students need much less prep time.

What is the Opinion of Your Academic Advisor?

Checking in with your academic advisor is a crucial step in the process of deciding on a major. Academic advisors are knowledgeable professionals who can offer valuable guidance and help you make informed decisions about your academic and career path.

Before reaching out to an academic advisor, make a list of university majors you are considering along with your strengths and weaknesses. Note down your questions on a piece of paper and put it before your eyes during consultation.

Word Solvo also acts as an academic advisor in solving all of your queries regarding choosing your university major search. Please feel free to contact our coordinator in case of any queries.

What about Double Majors?

Double majors involve pursuing two separate academic majors simultaneously during your college or university studies. This can be a great option for students who have diverse interests and want to gain expertise in multiple fields.

Most colleges and universities allow students to do a double or even a triple major. Students choosing a double major show interest in two academic fields contributing to their career growth as a whole. University majors that complement each other are chosen primarily by students in case of doing a double major.

For example, pursuing a career in International Business may require you to choose majors in foreign language and business management. Other popular major combinations are: engineering and maths; criminal justice and psychology, philosophy and political science, and accounting and finance.